August Movin’ Mama: Katie

Meet Katie!


Congrats to Katie on her August nomination as our featured Movin’ Mama! Katie is a 31-year-old new mom to her 3-month-old baby girl (who is absolutely gorgeous!). When she’s not spending time at home with her new little one and her husband, she’s working as an ABA Therapist, providing in-home services for children on the autism spectrum, or riding horses and hanging at the barn!

How do you typically start and finish your day?

My day usually starts pretty early. My daughter is almost sleeping through the night, but most days is up to eat around 5:00-6:00am. I’ll feed and change her and then she’ll go back to sleep for another two or three hours. Sometimes I use that time to eat my breakfast and have some coffee in the calm and quiet. Other times, if I’m feeling extra tired, I’ll go back to sleep with her. I don’t function well on little sleep, so if I need those extra hours, I take them!

My day ends around 8:00-9:00pm when Keira goes to bed. After she’s in bed, I’ll eat dinner if I didn’t get a chance to while she was awake. This is my time to just veg out on the couch and catch up on all my good (bad) TV…usually Housewives or Food Network.

My love for wine is just as big as my love for coffee. Theres nothing quite like a glass of rosé, sweatpants and a comfy couch at the end of the day. I usually try and get into bed by 10:30pm.

 What has been your biggest challenge with wellness since the birth of your daughter and how are you overcoming it?

I’ve had two challenges: The first was finding the motivation to get out of the house and get moving. Our first few weeks at home was such a learning experience for us. The early days of breastfeeding were difficult, she would eat all day it seemed. It was hard to make a plan to get out of the house. Then one day, my husband and I decided to walk to a bagel shop down the street from us to get some breakfast. It was such a game changer for me mentally. I realized we really needed to get out of the house more often. I needed to get out and move my body, even if all I did was a leisurely walk up and down the street.

The second challenge has been my diet. While I was pregnant, I was extremely nauseous for the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy, so I had ZERO appetite. Then during the second half of my pregnancy when I started enjoying food again, I didn’t have room to eat a lot in one sitting.

Since the birth of my daughter my appetite has come back with a vengeance. At first, I was eating whatever I craved, usually a lot of take out just because it was easy for us. I noticed my weight was creeping back up, which surprised me. Over the past few weeks, my husband and I have really made an effort to meal plan at the beginning of the week. It has made a huge difference!

Are you exercising much these days? If so, what’s your go-to workout?

I honestly haven’t been exercising much. It’s one of those things I know I should do, but finding the time and motivation is tough some days. My go-to workout these days is walking.

I try to get out everyday, weather depending. It’s great to get out of the house and get some fresh air. It is also great for my baby, I’m a big fan of change in scenery, especially on fussy days. She really loves the walks, too!

What do you love most about being a new mom so far?

I love all the amazing moms I’ve been lucky enough to connect with throughout my pregnancy. This “job” truly takes a village, and I feel fortunate to have some great people around me to support me on this crazy new journey.

I also absolutely adore my daughter (of course), and watching her smile and laugh just melts my heart!

Name three wellness/beauty-related products you cannot live without right now.

What is one healthy meal that you like to cook at home?

I have to admit that I’m not the biggest chef, my husband actually does most of the cooking. One healthy dish that I do like to make is a quinoa salad.

It’s a great summer side dish and really filling. It’s a mix of quinoa, cucumbers, red onion, cherry tomatoes and feta cheese drizzled with olive oil and lemon juice. Super quick, easy and delish!

What do you do when you want to have “Me” time and relieve stress?

When I need some “Me” time, I usually head to the barn. I’m fortunate that my mother lives close by, so I can drop my little one off with her and head to the barn to see my horse.

It’s such a peaceful space that really helps me to decompress. I don’t even have to ride when I go, sometimes it’s just as relaxing to take my horse out for some grass and enjoy the quiet. Riding is great exercise though, and I love to ride when I can!

What’s your biggest wish for your baby?

My biggest wish for my baby is for her to grow up with kindness and compassion in her heart. I wish for her to feel it everyday and for her to share it with the world.

Anyone special you’d like to thank for helping you through motherhood so far?

There are actually four people that deserve a HUGE thank you. First is my husband, he supports me in anything and everything, and loves our baby and me unconditionally. It is because of him that I’ve been able to take an extended maternity leave, and for that I will always be grateful. I know that I’m very fortunate to be able to do so.

Second is my mother, I don’t think we’ve ever been as close as we are now. She has been a huge help with my daughter. She is always willing to babysit so I can have that much needed “Me” time. I always say the reason I’m still sane is because I have her in my life!

The third and fourth people are the amazing women of Rising Tide, Lindsay Miller and Liz Libby. Linsday is my rockstar doula who was by my side through a 32-hour labor.

She’s been an invaluable source of advice, information and never-ending support now that I’m a new mother. Liz is my lactation consultant who I give full credit for my success with breastfeeding. Having her only a text/phone call away has been amazing. The support that they have given to me is something I truly cherish.